RSS Retriever PRO – Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I install the Plugin?
    – First, make sure you deactivate or remove the free version. Then, download the plugins zip file and go into your WordPress dashboard to Plugins -> Add New. Then click on the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page and upload the zip file.
  • How do I update the Plugin?
    Make sure you have your license key which is found on this website under My Account -> License Key. Copy the license key and paste it under Plugins -> RSS Retriever License in your WordPress dashboard. Then you should be able to update the plugin to the latest version
  • The Thumbnails are not displaying on our feed
    This is usually due to the feed you’re trying to fetch from. Not all feeds include their thumbnails in their RSS feed due to copyright reasons. In this case you may need to find another feed that includes the images in their RSS feed. Alternatively, if you own the website you’re attempting to fetch from, you can simply install our plugin on that website as well and it will automatically include the thumbnails in the RSS feed.
  • How can I display the post title below the featured image?
    You can change the layout via WordPress filters. Add the following code to your themes functions.php file:
function custom_rss_layout_callback( $layout ) {
    $layout = array(
    return $layout;
add_filter( 'wp_rss_retriever_layout', 'custom_rss_layout_callback' );

In addition, you can add your own HTML to the output if you want to wrap elements. Example:

$layout = array(
    '<div class="my-custom-class">',

Or, if you only want to display the title:

$layout = array(
  • How do I remove the credits at the end of each feed?
    Simply add “credits=false” to your shortcode and this will remove the credits at the end of the feed.